pr center

Recruitment Guide

GFI is looking for talented people with passion and dreams.

Enthusiastic talent
who can take on
the challenges of tomorrow

A person who leads their own development and
the development of the company, with a passion for work and dedication to achieving the best result.
We create value for ourselves and for the company with
a bold pioneering spirit, a passion for customer
satisfaction, thorough professionalism and responsibility,
and strong momentum.

Dedicated talent
who changes the world

A person who makes positive changes and a better world
with their vivid imagination and creative practice.
We lead innovation and prepare for a better future with
a wide range of experiences and learning, open thinking,
and the courage to inspire the people that we share.

Responsible talent
who realizes their dreams

We embrace diversity with an unbiased mind, act fairly,
and build solid trust among our colleagues, neighbors
and society based on honesty and integrity.

  • How to apply

    1. Required documents
      Resume and cover letter
      (For positions requiring experience, the relevant certificates should be included.)
    2. How to submit
      Apply by e-mail E-Mail